Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Still "The Lord's Anointed"

One of the most fascinating things (to me, anyway) concerning the story of Saul and David is that, in spite of Saul's repeated attempts to kill him, David continually referred to Saul as "the Lord's anointed", recognizing that God had initially separated and set up Saul to reign over His people.

During this time, however, God had spoken clearly to Saul - through the old prophet Samuel - and had unequivocally informed Saul that he was no longer God's elect (due to Saul's disobedience and presumptuous activities), and that God would soon take the kingdom from Saul's household, and would give it to David. Scripture also points out that "the Spirit of the Lord was with [David] and was departed from Saul." (1 Sam. 18:12) Saul recognized this in his own life, and feared David.

Also during this time, the old prophet Samuel had paid a visit to the house of Jesse and had publicly anointed David in the sight of his own household and brethren, pronouncing that David would succeed Saul, and would rule over God's people, Israel.

Yet David continued to refer to Saul as "the Lord's anointed". David also refused to lift his hand against Saul, and the one time David did take matters into his own hands - cutting off the skirt of Saul's robe as he slept in a cave - David's own conscience smote him, and he repented of the action he had taken against a man who had become his enemy.

It is frightening today that people are so casual, even confrontational, about the role of the priesthood, even to the point of becoming belligerent toward the man of God. I am convinced that we - the Church - need a revival of respect and reverence for the office of the ministry. Your pastor - whether you feel he's right or wrong, and even if he IS wrong about something - should always be viewed as "the Lord's anointed".

Pardon me while I lapse into my East Texas vernacular, but if there's a problem with the man of God in my life, honey, it ain't my place to attack him, publicly or privately, on Facebook, Twitter (or whatever the leading social network may be at the moment), or even behind the closed doors of my own home.

In a church I once pastored (for a very short time, believe me!) I actually had someone look me in the eye one Sunday night after service and demand, "Who are you to tell me how I should live? I'm just as holy as you are." (No, this was not a visitor or an outsider; they were actually one of the "saints" who attended almost faithfully.) While I understand that neither myself, nor any other minister is "more holy" than anyone else (we are all saved and kept that way by the Grace of God), the attitude and demeanor this person displayed towards the office of the ministry was appalling. Sadly, it's becoming more and more common among church congregants who refuse to recognize "the Lord's anointed" as being such. And unlike David, they have absolutely no problem taking matters into their own hands when they believe the man of God has crossed their philosophy or challenged them in some way or another.

Saul had been rejected by God.

David had been anointed to be king over Israel.

Saul attempted, on numerous times, to murder David in order to preserve his own kingdom.

Yet in all this, David continued to recognize Saul as God's anointed and refused to take matters concerning Saul's authority into his own hands.

Should we behave any differently today?

Monday, July 14, 2014

Worship With A Pure Heart?

Chilling passage of scripture I was reading this morning:

1 Sam. 19:20-24 tells us that, in his attempt to take David's life, Saul sent three different groups of men - and then went himself - to capture David in order to kill him. In the course of their action, all three groups of men, as well as Saul, came to a "company of prophets prophesying", at which time "the Spirit of God was upon them and they also prophesied".

While the word here prophesied is widely used - with varying definitions - throughout the Scripture, the passage here indicates that, rather than a group of literal prophets who were foretelling unseen events, or declaring "Thus saith the Lord", this was a group of students of Samuel, the prophet, who were caught up in exuberant worship of God. Their worship was so infectious, and the Spirit and Presence of God so strong, that Saul's messengers, and even Saul himself, became caught up in the passion of the moment, offering up their own worship to God.

Yet Saul's heart was not changed, even during his moment of worship. He still had every intention to take David's life.

Ladies and gentlemen, you can stand in the very real, very powerful Presence of God and get so emotionally caught up in the passion of the moment, and the flow of the Spirit, that you, too, can worship like those around you. However, from what we see in this passage in 1 Samuel, it is very possible to worship God - even to "prophesy" and utter His Word - yet still have murder and hatred in your heart.

Jer. 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; and who can know it?"

Search your heart; just because you lift your hands and feel a tingle when the church is popping doesn't necessarily mean everything is right with God. We need to ensure we are worshiping God with clean hands, and a pure heart.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Obedience Is Better...

Reading 1 Samuel ch. 10-15 and found myself sitting there and actually weeping at such a tragic conclusion of Saul. What promise, what potential, what a powerful leader of God's people he could have been! Separated and set apart by God Himself, Saul had all the earmarks of an anointed leader, yet he allowed his position to eclipse his potential.

Man of God, let it never be said of you that "God hath rejected him" because God anointed you at one time to lead His people, and you elevated yourself to a place never intended for you. Saul started off with the right spirit - humility, meekness, and submission to the spiritual authority in his own life (Samuel, the prophet of God) - but he soon elevated himself to that oh-so-treacherous place where he no longer felt he needed to answer to spiritual leadership.

I've been a pastor before, and may be again someday should God elect, but I pray I will always keep myself submitted to those above me, firstly to God, and then to those spiritual authorities, leaders, and elders whom God sets over my life and ministry. The recurring theme that I find here in the life of Saul is "Obedience is better.." Saul's position as king over Israel never gave him the liberty to step into a role that God had not appointed him to, yet he took it upon himself to perform those duties that were set apart for Samuel, the prophet of God.

Ladies and gentlemen, it matters not how much God may anoint, appoint, or use you in a specific office, be it Pastor, Bishop, or Janitor; we are all subject to the ordinances of God and MUST be submitted to the spiritual authority over us. This spirit of insubordination will absolutely destroy an individual, a family, or an entire congregation. God has set things in order, and it is never our place to supplant or avoid the path of spiritual leadership that God has ordained.

God loves an obedient heart, and He will bless the obedient life.

Just thinking out loud on a Thursday morning...