Thursday, October 02, 2014

White Noise

Due to the nature of the organization I'm employed by (technology security), we have a "white noise generator" in our building; it's purpose is to drown out conversations - face-to-face meetings as well as telephone conversations - so that those sitting nearby can't accidentally be privy to secure information.

It generates this white noise on every floor, and is constantly running. It works beautifully, as I am surrounded by other employees in low-walled cubicles, but I would have to focus intently to make out any words that are being said. In the course of a normal workday, however, with enough other stuff on my plate, I may hear voices on the other side of the cubicle wall, but never hear what's actually being said.

This noise generator works so well, and has become such an ordinary part of our workday that we no longer notice it.

Let it get turned off, and that's a completely different story.The silence is deafening, and the moment someone happens to kill the background noise, everyone notices: the questions are immediate; "Who turned off the noise? What's going on?"

Ladies and gentlemen, this world is FILLED with "white noise generators" that will drown out the sounds of the Spirit trying to speak to your heart. I confess that my family and I are in a situation now where I desperately need to hear the voice of the Lord speak clearly and distinctly (your prayers are much appreciated) and I have tried to hear Him speak. I've prayed, I've studied, I've lain awake at night praying in my spirit, asking Him not only to speak to me, but to help me HEAR when He speaks. (And He will speak, I have no doubt of that. God doesn't want His children wandering around aimlessly anymore than we want to!) Yet I've heard nothing.

This morning on the way to work, I was praying (again) and asking God, "Am I missing something? Is there something I need to lay aside? Is there something else I need to do? What am I missing?" Immediately I was reminded of this white noise generator. It has become such a part of my everyday life that I no longer notice it, hence, I no longer notice that it so successfully drowns out the voices of my colleagues. When we become so accustomed to the white noise of the world around us, we no longer notice the noise, but perhaps more importantly, we no longer realize that same white noise is drowning out the clarity of the One Voice we need desperately to hear.

Turn off the noise generators in your life. Set aside the entertainments and amusements that, although they may be harmless enough in themselves, are keeping you from hearing that Voice that wants to speak to you, that wants to give you direction. Pick up a Book - not just any book, but the Book - and immerse yourself in it. Take time to KNEEL and pray. "Fast food prayers" are about as healthy as "fast food".

Slow down. Listen. One of the most powerful statements in all the Scripture, and one that has changed my approach to Christ, is found in Luke 10:39: "...Mary...sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word."

Sometime back, the Lord spoke a simple truth into my heart (and it's one of those where I knew it was Him, because I'm not smart enough to come up with stuff like this on my own): "If Satan cannot silence the voice of God in your life, he'll do all he can to distort it."

Don't let the noise generators of this world drown out the single most important Voice you can hear.

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